B2b Lead Generation:A New Approach In Covid Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic is still raging across the globe and has caused tremendous turmoils in every sector than predicted. Companies across are facing new challenges to conducting businesses. However, every challenge creates new opportunities. Firms are assessing newer approaches in operating models, ways of communication, and an upsurge in technological investments. With the current scenario where the buyers are cautious, it is intuitive to make smarter strategies,innovative marketing and plan out a much versatile B2B lead generation campaign that can fulfill the buyers’ demands.

Ups and Lows help companies acclimatize and change according to various circumstances. By now, you must be aware that the target audience is more digitally active, here we present you some of the best methods to strategize your marketing plans that would not impact your budget or worry about re-examining investments.

1. Customer’s smooth Buying Journey is the key: Introduce a well-crafted personalized buyer’s experience strategy that can help them in their buying process, that helps them going through your content. A good engagement strategy at an appropriate time with proper lead nurturing would surely assist the customer in their buying journey.

2. Strengthen your Transparency policy: Transparency and Trust are the need of the hour is needed more than ever. Providing consistent result-oriented deliverables and showing transparency in your methodical approach results in strengthening the relationship with the customer.

3. Go Full-fledge Digital: With trending work from home culture, many prospects would be spending time online, and this is a great opportunity for you. Increase and amplify your online presence to get noticed, allocate more and more of your marketing budget to create a structured digital strategy that will benefit you.

Approach to Lead Generation During Pandemic.
Here are some of the few techniques that would help you plan a strategy that will boost your lead generation campaigns during the pandemic and will lead you to go in the right direction.

1. Website Enhancement and Optimization: At this particular time where digital presence is a must, an in-depth evaluation of the website should be done. Know the region from where your online traffic is coming from and optimize the pages to drive higher traffic. Lead generation forms can be added to the pages which drive high traffic to make sure quality leads are not missed out.

2. Leveraging Marketing Automation Tools: Integrate your existing database with a few of the marketing tools to develop a strong lead generation output. Refer to the below points to know how it is done.

You might be using the lead scoring tool for your future prospects, however, it can also be used on your existing database. By conclusive defining lead scores on the existing database, you can expand the potential to cross-sell or upscale your sales to your customers.

One unique advantage of a marketing automation platform is that it can identify inactive users easily. For example, accounts that haven’t engaged with you but were part of the earlier marketing campaign can be updated with the fresh proposal or the content. To boost your leads from inactive accounts,exclusive campaigns can be run to reengage them.

3. Increase Digital Content: As stated earlier, with the rise of work of home culture, without any physical meetings, digital content becomes a handy tool to showcase your strong online presence.

E-events: In the absence of physical events or postponement of physical events, e-events can leverage to generate leads. You can set up and invite prospects to attend your e-events and possibly have a wider reach without even traveling anywhere.

Webinar Marketing: Webinar Marketing is one of the most reliable, demonstrated, and cost-efficient ways to swiftly drive leads into your sales funnel. Webinars are highly engaging which work across the entire lead generation process from initial informal sales pitching to weekly live demos,thus generating high-quality leads.

Video Content: According to the research by Forrestersurvey , 80% of the marketers recognize the importance of video marketing. From introductory promotional videos to tutorials, testimonials to digital white papers, there are endless options to be used in video marketing.

4. Upskill experienced Sales Support: The aspects of sales have drastically changed more than before where the sales team cannot have physical meetings with buyers. Due to the pandemic, the sales cycle too has become more unpredictable and insistent. Organize a sales team to make use of technological tools and connect with relevant decision-makers by upskilling appointment settings.

The above-stated methods channelized suitably, can help drive lead generation campaigns effortlessly and help you improve your customer engagement at each level, and boost revenue.

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