Amplify B2B Lead Generation Through Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Content serves as gasoline to your sales pipelines, your lead generation strategies and techniques, and your overall business module. Unfortunately, the same can be said for every third B2B brand trying to establish its presence.
The major hurdle for marketers is to make a way out and cut through all the unwanted and stand out with relevant, eye-catching content that directly connects them with the prospects.
Here’s a rundown of some of the best strategies of content marketing for turbocharging your B2B lead generation.

Create a short yet memorable video of your brand’s culture.
Video content marketing isn’t a cakewalk but done in the right ways there is no better way to convert your prospects into potential clients. How to start? Create a short introductory video of your brand.
Introduce your brand, show the work culture of your company, Introduce behind the scenes snaps, them working and bringing your company to life, and help your prospects resonate with them.
The best way to deliver your sales pitch is to create a video about day-to-day activities, your services in the video. It will create a personal touch and it provokes a positive response from them.
Podcast about your products, thoughts, with relevant content.

Podcasts these days are one of the newest forms of content creation. According to this report, there are 1 million active podcasts, and 30 million podcasts episodes are there on the internet. Invite guests relevant to your industry and discuss your products, strategy and create a content strategy that will resonate with your prospects.
Strategizing your existing content into podcast episodes is a unique way of reaching your clients and delivering about your brand.

Optimize your Distribution Network.
It’s one thing to create content; it’s another to get people to view it.
It’s critical that you choose the right mix of channels to distribute your content.
Mainly you can distribute your content via organic channels or paid channels.
Organic channels are a budget-friendly way to start distributing your content. It is a slow process and takes time to build your online credibility and brand identity.
Research about which organic channels your prospects use the most and strategize and distribute your content accordingly.

Some of the most used organic channels are listed below.
1. Youtube
2. Facebook
3. Quora
4. Twitter
5. Linkedin
Paid Distribution channels require a strong budget, to begin with, but you can see significant results in a very short period. Research about PPC campaign and optimize it accordingly, and start buying paid ads according to distribution networks and you can see a considerable amount of traffic.
Most used Paid distribution channels are:
1. Search Engine Ads.
2. Social Media Ads.
3. Content Discovering and Native Advertising.
Using both organic and paid distribution channels can be benefitted in your site lead generation become more holistic in long run.

Long Tail keywords through Long Tail SEO
For mid-size firms, targeting long-tail keywords can be very effective in generating leads. People that search on Google for solutions, as opposed to Facebook users, are looking for your material specifically. There are many tools such as SEMrush , or WordPress plugins such as Yoast SEO to do keyword research.
After researching keywords, create your content with these keywords included, optimize your pages with relevant keywords. Include these keywords in :
Meta Description
Heading Tags
Image alt text.

After strategically optimizing keywords, create long-term content around these keywords, that deliver the solution a visitor is searching for.
When you start getting traffic on your website, use lead magnets, such as using pdf reports which are attached to email subscription forms, exit-intent popups, and other lead capturing techniques.

Upgrade and Optimize the Landing Pages.
If you see lots of traffic but are unable to convert them into leads and the page isn’t specifically designed, then there is a wastage of opportunities. Optimizing your landing page from self-centric to user-centric is a great way to generate leads.

Some tips to optimize the pages:
1. Don’t complicate the CTA button: The CTA buttons on the landing page should be simple, unique, and should grab visitor’s attention.’s CTA button perfectly is clear, concise, and is designed to engage users to perform the action.
2. Navigation Links on a Landing Page is a No-Go: Navigation links on a landing page are often ineffective and pointless because it diminishes the whole purpose of the landing page by distracting the visitors.

So there it is. Some of the best tips followed by the industry experts to generate leads through content marketing. While creating a content marketing strategy, you need to strategize your campaign around how to drive more leads and increase ROI.

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